Monday, March 12, 2007

Wished it Wasn't Invented

What are three things you wish were never invented?

1. junk food. My children are always eating. They eat all day long, however, sometimes they don't eat their meals because they had a snack of crackers or cookies an hour before dinner or lunch or whatever. I know I probably would waste away if I didn't have my junk food as I too tend to go for a bag of chips before I would reach for a piece of fruit or a vegetable. But if junk food wasn't around I would have no other choice but to grab that fruit or veggie.

2. Taxes. It's amazing how much the government takes from us. Not only do they tax your income which you worked so hard to earn, you are taxed on your property, all items you purchase, etc. etc. It's like it never ends. Property tax gets raised yearly. I think we are the most highest taxed in the state on our house. When I tell people how much we are paying they all say, OMG that's crazy! The worst part is that if we sell our house and move to another township the quality of the house would be less and the schools would be worse. It wouldn't be so bad if we had the kids in school then I would feel like we were benefiting from our taxes but right now our kids don't attend school.

3. Potty chairs. I've been training the kids on the mini potty chairs but now when I want them to sit on the big toilet they refuse and want to use the little chairs. Changing diapers is one thing but cleaning out a bucket of poop is not too fun. Can't wait till this potty training is over with. I've had enough of this crap! literally!


Unknown said...

And here I was thinking about buying one of those training urinals. Maybe I had better rethink that decision.

Stephani said...

Totally forgot about those darn taxes! Yep I sure wish those had never been invented!