Saturday, March 17, 2007

MOMs Club Regional Luncheon

Stacy, Trish, Lisa, Caroline, Me, Jennifer
Today was the eleventh annual Northeast Regional MOMs club luncheon. I've been preparing for months for this event. Doing scrapbook pages for the MOMs club album and working on the tri-fold display for the table. I picked out my clothes the night before and ironed them. I set my clock for 6 am. Lisa was picking me up at 7:45 am. I figured I'd have an hour to shower and 45 minutes to prepare dinner (corned beef and cabbage) since it is St. Patricks day. However, my alarm never went off!

My mom woke me up at 7:30 am. Meanwhile, Lisa arrived early to pick me up. OMG! I have never overslept in my entire life. I frantically dressed, quickly brushed my teeth and hair and ran down the stairs to leave. I was literally embarrassed that I wasn't ready. Could it be I am feeling just way overwhelmed with all that I have been doing. Lack of sleep and it's just catching up? Maybe my body is telling me to slow down you need your rest. You are not in your 20's any more. More like near my older 30's.

There were only 6 of us from 50 members who attended. We all carpooled. We did not win an award for table display. The one which won was a big fish tank that had motorized moveable fishes in it. The stuff donated for the auction were fantastic. There were themes gift baskets like Game Night which were piles and piles of board games, Spa packages, Book packages, Rainy day items such as a big umbrella with tons of toys, a BBQ with chairs and all BBQ stuff, baby baskets, wagons filled with toys, beach bags with beach stuff, the list can go on and on. I was amazed at the stuff that was auctioned off. I did not win anything in the auction, however, Stacy did win a little car filled with outdoor kid activities and Trish won the table centerpiece which was a chocolate treasure chest.


Unknown said...

Sounds wonderful.

loonyhiker said...

Wow! No wonder you were overwhelmed. I overslept a couple of times too and now when I have something important to go to, I can't hardly sleep because I'm worried about oversleeping. Now I set my alarm AND my cell phone alarm (10 min. after alarm clock) to wake me in the mornings. Glad you had some time for you!

Heather said...

Ooh, sounds like a rough morning. I wonder if you saw anyone from my MOMS Club (Worester, MA) - I haven't been a member in ages, but I founded our chapter, so I still have a lingering interest in its continued success. :)

Michelle said...

i can see why you were overwhelmed but it sounds like you had a good time after all! don't worry though, we all oversleep! i usually forget the event entirely!