mot·to (n.) pl. mot·toes or mot·tos
1. A brief statement used to express a principle, goal, or ideal. A short, suggestive expression of a guiding principle.
2. A sentence, phrase, or word of appropriate character inscribed on or attached to an object.
3. A maxim adopted as a guide to one's conduct.
My motto was different 5 years ago (2002) because at that time I was dealing with infertility issues so it wasn't my children driving me crazy but the wanting of children was the issue at that time in my life: So my motto at that time would be: “Good things come to people who wait”. See I waited and waited so G_d blessed us with triplets two years later in 2004.
10 years ago (1997). "Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will shelter the other. Now, you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now, there will be no more loneliness, now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you." At this time in my life I would have been a newlywed. The quote I chose for that time in my life was actually a quote that was read at my wedding.
20 years ago (1987). "To love and be loved is the greatest joy on this earth." I met my husband in November 1987 when I was in high school. Wow, I just realized that I've been with my husband for almost 20 years. I've been out of school for that long? Anyway, I chose a love quote for my motto for that time. I had dated other boys before finding my husband but it was love at first sight when I met my husband.
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