Monday, January 14, 2008

Smile List

Mon Blog Prompt 1/14

Write a list of things that make you smile -- which I know we've done before, but the twist is that each of our lists should be unique. So make your list, then when you read the others' posts, if both of you list the same thing, strike it out on your list. I want to see how many distinctly creative things we can come up with today!

These are in no particular order
1. A clean desk
2. A meal plan for the week complete
3. Savings of $60 using coupons (highest yet)
4. Victoria's happy coolie dance (Stephanie wrote:
A child having a good time and laughing hard)
5. Justin cuddling in bed in the morning
6. A new meal that is a Keeper (doesn't happen often) (Loonyhiker wrote: When my husband really likes something that I've cooked)
7. Completing my photo for the day entry
8. Reaching my goal in scrapbook pages
9. Reading Katie's Blog (it's like reading about myself) (Loonyhiker wrote: Reading something funny on someone else's blog)
10. Reading Bonnie's Blog (beautiful photos and lots of creativity) (Loonyhiker wrote: Reading something funny on someone else's blog
11. No surprises in the mailbox
12. Receiving a package in the mail
13. A finished scrapbook page (Glynis said: Finishing a scrapbook page)
14. Downloading photos on my first try (I think one of my USB ports is broken)
15. When the kids help to clean up
16. When DH makes me coffee in the morning and helps feed the kids breakfast
17. Seeing my husband play with the kids
18. Seeing Naomi carry 3 baby dollies telling me she has triplets
19. Time to watch Days of Our Lives
20. Completing a to do list


Stephani said...

What a GRREAT list! So much to smile about!

Unknown said...

That's a wonderful list. I would have a smile if my Dh organised a coffee in bed for me too.

loonyhiker said...

I love crossing things off my "to do" list until I finish the list. It makes me feel like I accomplished so much. I do cheat sometimes and add things that I've done which weren't originally on the list, just so I can cross them off! LOL

Glynis said...

That's a great list...why didn't I think of a clean desk? Maybe because it's never happened LOL