Thursday, January 04, 2007

Before My Life is Over

What do you sense you're supposed to do before your life is over? Man, this is a hard prompt to write about especially since it's almost 1 am and I'm exhausted. Let's see! I'm assuming I'm supposed to raise the triplets and to document their lives in scrapbooks. Hey, I'm already doing that now. So what do I have left? The only thing I can think of is maybe I'm supposed to take care of my grandchildren like my mom takes care of my children. What else is there to do? Think! Ah, I give up nothing is coming to me. Very depressing entry. Until tomorrow!


Michelle said...

I don't think I'd be depressed about your "mission". I think that raising children is VERY hard and if you are successful at it what greater thing to do is there? Good Luck!

loonyhiker said...

Thank goodness God chose you to raise triplets. To be honest, I don't think I could do it. I raised my 2 daughters (16 months apart) and it was SOOOO hard. I was an "okay" mom but not the greatest and I look back now and wish I could do some things over. Just by reading things you've written I think you make a great mom and your influence will go on long after your life is over!

carin.c said...

I just read about a concept where our children our angels before we conceive them and that they actually chose us. I'd say you must be pretty special to have 3 choose you at once.

Paula May said...

I believe that raising children is wonderful. I don't think that's depressing at all.

Glynis said...

It's a hard road, but the most rewarding one I can think of!

Unknown said...

wow what carinc said is so beautiful! i cant wait to be a mother. i cant think of anything better than my lifes mission being to raise children and grandchildren. Your very lucky. just tired! lol