Tuesday, January 09, 2007


the quality or habit of not adhering to a correct or usual or expected time.

Do you usually arrive on time or late? I arrive on time. I have always been an on time type of person. If I do run late or over the time limit I get extremely stressed out. I always plan to arrive at least 1/2 hour to 15 minutes early. Now, with the triplets they do slow me down a bit and we are now moving to the 15 minutes early or right on time. My clock in my bedroom is 1/2 hour ahead and my clock in the kitchen is 10 minutes fast. In my car it is off by an hour. I don't know how to change the clock for the day light savings and haven't had my husband fix it yet. Yes, I like to be on time and by setting clocks ahead that is the way I am able to do it.

Do you get annoyed when other people arrive late or you really donĂ‚’t care? It really depends on the situation. If it affects me and makes me late then yes I do get annoyed. If I have to go somewhere like for an appointment or activity and I am waiting on someone to come with me I get extremely stressed out if they are late because then it makes me late. If we are already at the party or activity then I really don't care if they are late or not since I am not the one late.


Tiffani said...

My family always resets my early clocks meaning I am never sure what the exact time is and contributes to me being late some of the time.

carin.c said...

Perhaps I should try changing my clocks.

Unknown said...

I use to set my clocks ahead when I was working. Now it is just habit so I don't have to do it anymore.