Saturday, February 17, 2007

Prize Qualities

List the qualities you prize in yourself. Is there one quality that you consider essential to your sense of your self?

1. Creative
2. Loyal
3. Honest
4. Loving
5. Hardworking
6. Busy
7. Organized
8. Faithful

Well, the one quality which I listed as number 1 would be my creativity is definately essential to my sanity. It's the only thing that really keeps me going day after day. My days are crazy with three terrible two toddlers that occupy my days and I tell you the only thing that I really look forward to lately is doing creative things in my ME time at night after the kids are in sleep. As I mentioned in previous posts its my form of therapy that keeps me going day after day.

1 comment:

loonyhiker said...

I always look forward to reading your blog! You left off one important quality I know you have: patience! There is no way with 3 toddlers you couldn't have patience!