Friday, April 27, 2007


What is your definition of 'success'? Do you know any 'successful' people who inspire you?

Success is when you achieve something you have been striving to accomplish for days, months or years. It can be something so little for example:
  • your children pick up after themselves
  • your children put on their own clothes or shoes.
  • you potty trained three toddlers before age 3.
  • you get out of the house on your own with three toddlers that you never thought would be possible.
Who are successful? Triplet Moms. The ones who have children older then mine and they survived. They give me hope that I too will make it through the terrible two phase. They are also a great source for advice because they have gone through the trying times I deal with every day.


loonyhiker said...

I look at the many things you do and think of the many things you haven't mentioned that you do and you are a definite success in my book. I truly admire you in your courage, endurance, and ability to juggle all the many things that you have to handle. You truly deserve a pat on the back (or hug, or gold medal or something!)

Glynis said...

Yes, I would say having all three of the children potty trained would DEFINITELY be SUCCESS!! :)