Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Do I need it?

This is a cute video about clutter. Words to the video are below


Do I need it?
Or just want it?
Who convinced me that I need it, and why do I want it?
Will it make my world a better place, or will it end up taking up landfill space?
Do I need it?
Or just want it?

The tv commercials are telling me
I need to buy lots more,
but I can’t figure out what I’d need
those fifteen cell phones for…

Our dining suite is older than me,
our furniture doesn’t blend,
but I can’t throw out stuff that’s good
just because of the latest trend… CHORUS

Those convenient plastic shopping bags
are fluttering in the trees,
so I’ve started to use my old cloth bags
to move my groceries…

Spring water sold in plastic bottles
Is really quite the fad
But water from my tap tastes just as good
And using less Polyethylene Terephtalate isn’t bad… CHORUS

I’ll admit that I’m a Tim Horton’s junkie
Had my share of those disposable cups
But now I take my travel mug along
And I ask them to fill ‘er up…

How many books in my personal library
sit there still unread?
My life would be less cluttered if
I used my library card instead… CHORUS

How many computers, tvs and stereos
does one family really need?
It’s time I learned to live with just enough
instead of giving in to greed…

A wardrobe from the Sally Ann
can be as good as buying new.
That way I’m not creating consumer demand
and there’s money in my pocket, too… CHORUS

Our lives are filled with so much stuff
This song could go on and on
But if we think before we buy
I’d be singing half as long.

So I’m not gonna buy things on a whim
I’m gonna think things through
If I can live with less, I’ll reduce my stress
And lighten my workload, too…

If I don’t need it,
I don’t want it.
No one convinced me that I need it, So I won’t buy it.
Gonna help my planet get “out of the woods”
By refusing to USE up so many Goods
‘Cause I don’t need so much stuff,
And I don’t want it.
I don’t need so much stuff
And I don’t want it, ohhh no!

I have been trying to declutter my house and saw this video on I'm an Organizing Junkie's blog.

1 comment:

Ter said...

thanks for popping by my blog and the comment you left! Hope you'll pop by again soon! :)