Thursday, October 15, 2009

Girl Scouts - Daisies

Last week, the girls and I attended the Girl Scout recruitment meeting in my town. We learned that there is only one Daisy troop in our area and it meets at 1:30 pm. This does not work for us since we have afternoon kindergarten. So it's official I volunteered to be a troop leader. My paperwork is all filled out and ready to be mailed tomorrow. Once registered my girls will be members of the Girl Scouts of America. When I was a kid, we started with Brownies in first grade. Not anymore. Now, Girl Scouts begin earlier, in Kindergarten. These pre-Brownies are called Daisies.

Instead of badges like the older girls earn, they will earn a total of 10 petals to complete the large daisy on the middle of their tunic. . Their uniform is really more like a cobbler smock, in a bright cheery blue, with an American Flag on the right shoulder, troop numbers on the front, just under the flag, and a large daisy centered in the middle. I can't wait to see them all dressed in their uniforms and ready for their first meeting.

Of course, first I need to be approved and then attend some leadership training classes. My new adventure has just begun.


Lisa Anne said...

Congrats! My sister was a brownie. I was never one, my parents said it took up to much time, yet they let my brother be a boy scout. Lame! I'm still a bit bitter. I hope you post about being a leader, maybe I can live the life through you.

Unknown said...

Oh this sounds like fun! Can't wait to hear more about it!