Saturday, November 19, 2011

Holiday Shopping - Games 2011

I haven't been scrapping as much lately. What's been taking up all my time? I've been researching for the best gifts for this holiday season. I'm still in the process of narrowing down what to get them since they really don't need anything.

Oh by the way, if you haven't yet signed up for ebates you should. Today, I shopped in 2 online stores. Barnes and Noble and Kmart. Both stores had free shipping. B&N gave me back 8% and Kmart 6% on the total of my order. I get money deposited into my paypal account quarterly. It's great. I have already earned $100 for this year. To sign up click on ebates above.

After cleaning out our game closet last month you can see my post about that here. I decided that we needed to add more games to our closet. These are the 3 new games they will open in December in no particular order. I linked the games to amazon if you want to purchase them. I did not purchase from amazon since ebates doesn't support amazon. I bought them from Barnes and Noble and Kmart. I also included the videos that shows you how to play the games.

3. Ligretto Card Game This one maybe my favorite since you can play all at once and no taking turns. Also can play all the way up to 12 players which probably would be crazy to do but I think would be fun when cousins come to visit.... hint.... hint....

Happy Shopping

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